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Liberation: A Poem

by: Srikripa Krishna Prasad

Standing before the mirror,

Sunlight dances, bounces, shines

Turning skin into light chocolate

Real and reflected eyes lock

Fade, glaze, haze in thought


Olden days, filled with strife

‘tween coloured folk and people white

Hands scarred, bodies starved

Under burning sun in fluffy fields,

Chained as dogs under unyielding fists


Then change

People standing strong,

Steely, aware, fearless

Built from pain of injustice, hurt from abuse

Aflame with, justice, freedom, passion


A beacon of guidance for fearful souls,

Shrouded by night, aids escape

To a northern haven to better life,

Away from the tyrants, away from the whips,

Away from the sneers, jeers, fears

The woman of justice and freedom leads


A woman on a rolling mantle of change,

Seated, pensive, conscious of sneers

Up comes a tyrant, cold and cruel

Her fiery eyes, defiant mouth, speak volumes

Loud words, insults tossed,

She dismounts in rebellion

A walk of equality, and soon

The tyrants nod their heads in acknowledgement


A dream is born, a dream is made

To cheering crowds, admiring, adoring

Easy smiles, sincere words,

The speech of the century,

“I have a dream…”

“I have a dream…”

“I have a dream…”

And every day, every year

That dream comes ever closer


To the mirror, the eyes snap back

A face awash with ages of history

A sigh, a gleaming grin

A glance at the calendar,

The month of change and appreciation,

Equality near, justice more, freedom guaranteed

Happiness abound

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