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All That Jazz

By: Arri Ye



BRAMPTON - Coloured tables set up all around. A stage protruding from where there was none. Small floodlights casting miniature shadows as they danced on the walls. Wisps of enthusiastic chatter filling the air.


It was not your typical school setting ‒ for one night, the South Cafeteria resembled less a spot for your average meal, and more a haven of exquisite food and music, old and new.


The date read March 26th, 2014, as the annual Jazz Night was once again held at Turner Fenton Secondary School. This tradition seeks to display the extraordinary talent of the school's own Junior and Senior Jazz Ensembles, Friday Club, and Concert Choir, as well as promote the medium of Jazz, all the while providing a nice gathering of the musical community. The night marked the debut of the Concert Choir at this event.


For a mere $15, those interested had the opportunity to hear some great tunes and enjoy an all-you-can-eat buffet, a "bargain", as some participants called it. All was prepared by Turner students, under the direction of Chef Galea.


During the meal, audience members were treated to some smooth jazz from Mr. Blackbourn ‒ the former music department head ‒ and Karl Stevenson, in accompaniment to a wide variety of food. Afterwards, the students took the spotlight with a night of memorable jazz, capped off by the traditional showcase of graduating students.


This all comes after disappointment last year, where Jazz Night was not held due to Bill 115. "It's very exciting that it can run again...everyone can be here to enjoy this classy night," Sani, the co-Vice President of Music Council says. After missing out last year, many came out to experience this unique event.


Jazz Night also owes a lot to those working behind the scenes ‒ The TFSS Music Council. "They were the backbone of the concert; they made sure the concert ran well," Rayoun, the council treasurer explains. Weeks of preparation and planning were a normal occurrence for the Music Council, as they also dealt with other programs and events, like Anthem Idol. "The exec were very happy to see all the work that everybody put in, and very glad that the audience enjoyed the show," adds Katherine, the council secretary.


As for the audience, foots were tapping all around to the syncopated beats and infectious melodies heard. "It gives a chance for audience members really relax," explains Harvard, also co-Vice President of Music Council. After a stressful day, the audience could wind down just like in the olden times, with some classic jazz. Sharang, one of the graduating students, certainly knows the feeling. "It was very tiring, but well worth it," he admits.


With Jazz Night over, the ensembles are already preparing for their next performance ‒ The Spring Concert coming up on April 17th. For more information, contact the TFSS Music Department, or the TFSS Music Council on Facebook, Twitter, and at

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